About ragdolls

The history of ragdolls

In contrary to many other cat breeds who has a long and detailed history ragdolls have a more simplified story. The breed was founded in the 1960's. Ann Baker had a cattery in California where she bred Balinese and Persians. She wanted to create a new breed and mated her white Angora, Josephine, with the neighbor's male cat, who looked like a Sacred Burma. Josephine was so calm that she went completely limp when you held her. The foundation stone and origin of the breed's name, ragdoll.

Ann Baker was incredibly strict about who was allowed to buy her kittens. She even forbade her buyers to mate their new cat unless they had a special license ordering them to follow her breeding plans. That way she could control the spread and sincerity of the breed.

De første ragdolls kom til Danmark i 1995 og de er siden hen blevet en meget populær racekat i Danmark.


The Ragdoll is a large cat with a long body. It has a strong bone structure, a long tail and thick fur. The tail must be able to reach the shoulder blades when it is raised from the back. According to the breed standard, ragdolls are semi-long-haired, but there is variation in coat length within the breed. The coat is without undercoat and should feel like cold silk.

Ragdolls have a medium-sized, broad head and oval, almond-shaped eyes that must be blue. The deeper the blue the better. The chin should be strong and the ears should be medium-sized located on the side of the head. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs and the paws are large and round with tufts between the toes.

Like all other long-haired cats, Ragdolls require some fur care, but due to the lack of undercoat, the fur is easier to maintain than many other long-haired cats.


Ragdolls er utrolig blide og godmodige katte. De er meget tålmodige og siger sjældent fra. De er derfor gode sammen med børn.

Ragdolls are often very happy with their owners. They are often ready at the door when you come home, like another dog and follow you around the house.

Ragdolls have a very quiet and pleasant voice, which they use extensively. Due to its calm nature, it is best suited for an indoor life. It is not good at defending itself and not as aware of danger as many other cats. However, they can take great pleasure in going out into a fenced garden or running yard and many also take great pleasure in going for a walk with their ragdoll in a harness. However, one must expect that this requires some training for the cat.


Ragdollen findes i tre mønstre.

Colorpoint: The colorpoint is a masked cat with no white in the face. It is colored in the face, on the ears, legs, feet and tail.

Mitted: the mitted cat has white socks on the front legs and white hindlegs. The chin is white and there must be a white line from the chin down the chest and belly to the genital's.

Bicolor: Masket kat med et omvendt “V” i panden. Bryst, mave og helst alle ben skal være hvide. Hvide pletter på ryggen kan forkomme.


Ragdolls come in a number of approved color variants: brown and blue, chocolate and lilac, red, cream and tortie. In addition, ragdolls can be with or without tabby (stripes).
